Peter Maverick {1 month}


  • size 1 diapers, but I already bought size 2 for when this box of 1’s run out!

  • size 0-3 month clothing is already a little snug

  • 13.0 pounds (98%), 22.6 inches (90%) — our first baby to stay big! (At least for now . . . we’ll see if the trend continues! Our other babies were born big but quickly decreased in size and they hit 13 pounds at 3 and 4 months, not 1 month!!)

Notable events

  • We took newborn pics and he was a champ!

  • Oxygen was removed, so now it’s easy to wear him in a wrap, not to mention all snuggling and feeding in general 🙌🏻

Favorite things

  • Breastfeeding is going so well. It takes up a huge percentage of my day, but I feel much more confident about it than ever before, and we haven’t been supplementing at all!

  • Giving him tummy time on my tummy/chest. His neck is already so strong and I love to watch him look around!

  • The girls are OBSESSED with him. They constantly want to give him hugs and kisses and touch him and crowd us while I feed him 🤪

  • Wrap naps 😍

  • Feeling more confident as a mom in general. I’m letting things go without feeling insane, which is a big improvement from my first time around!!

Random tidbits

  • He poops constantly! It seems like we change him, and then he immediately poops again almost every time. Vigilant diaper cream/vaseline and more frequent diaper changes are helping heal his little bum.

  • Along those lines, this kid peed on us during sooooo many diaper changes during this first month, and pooped on quite a few occasions, too. Luckily this seems to be stopping — for the most part 🤪

  • He has a bunch of nicknames! Pete, Petey, Petey Boy, Little Guy, Big Guy, Peter Pan (Holly), and one time Holly called him “buddy dude” which was pretty funny :) When he was squishier, I called him Puddle Face, but he’s already so much less squishy! Mostly, he’s Petey when we’re talking TO him, and Pete when talking ABOUT him.

  • Unlike my other kids, he doesn’t much care for the binky! If we work really hard we can get him to take one, but usually he gags or spits it out. Good thing I only like binkies for the first 4 months anyway!

  • He only really spits up if overfed. So happy to have another spit-free baby!

  • He’s generally happy in his car seat. I was a little worried he’d hate it because I’ve never had a carseat-hating baby, but I’m lucky again!

  • Of course babies smile in their sleep at this age, but this kid surprised me with the world’s BIGGEST smile and open eyes when he was looking right at me! He was looking at me like he often does, and then he erupted into this huge smile! I happened to have a few friends over at the time, and they all saw and it was so fun! Jess said it was like he was smiling just for me 😍 It was so stinking special! It happened the day before he turned 4 weeks, and I’ve seen little hints of smiles in the few days since then, but mostly it seems to have been an anomaly! Looking forward to more smiles in a few weeks though!!


Sleep is going pretty well, no real complaints. I wish it were more predictable from day to day, but surprisingly, I’m doing well living this moment-to-moment life. I know it won’t last forever, and that’s probably why it’s easier now than it was when I had Ada — I never knew what to expect with her! This time around, I know that I’ll get more predictability around 4 months when I sleep train him :)

As far as specifics go —

  • He spent the first month sleeping almost all day and all night every day 🤣 He was more alert and awake over the last two weeks than the prior two weeks, but he still just doesn’t spend a ton of time awake. Right now, he’s usually awake for 45-60 minutes at a time 3x/day, plus a longer waketime at the end of the day — more like 1.5-2 hours.

  • He wakes up about twice per (my) night to feed (12/1am & 4/4:30am), plus he’s up later than an older baby (8/9pm) and usually wakes around 6/7am for a final “night”feed that he mostly sleeps through. In the middle of the night, he falls asleep feeding, and I put him back in his crib afterward with no problems.

  • He takes naps on people, in the wrap, in his crib, and in his car seat, just depending what’s going on. Sometimes he’s fed to sleep, sometimes rocked, and sometimes he’s laid down awake and he falls asleep with little or no assistance. I’m doing a lot of “going with the flow” these days, which I’m actually happy to be able to do, because with Ada I was incapable of doing that, and was an anxious wreck as a result 🤪

  • Keep in mind, these are our norms AT one month — not for the duration of the whole first month. Check out Pete’s Sleep Schedule story highlight on IG for more specific details!