Peter Maverick {3 months}


  • size 3 diapers, and still blowing out sometimes, so I guess my theory that bigger diapers prevent blowouts is incorrect. He just happens to have more blowouts than either of my girls ever had! 🤣

  • He’s still squeezing into his 0-3 month jammies, but when I actually put clothes on him, they’re the 3-6 month size.

  • 15.4 pounds (79%), 25.25 inches (91%) — His weight gain has slowed down, and his length has spiked!

Notable events

  • First airplane flight and trip! To Texas, to visit both my sisters and their families. He was practically perfect for the flights and the trip, which was awesome! He was especially good during the 48 hours that was the girls’ trip portion.

  • He’s just getting over his first sickness. I don’t think I’ve ever had my babies get sick so young, and it has not been fun! (And it’s ironic since he’s my only spring/summer baby 🤪) He’s had a really hard time breathing and sleeping with all the mucus and snot he’s had going on. He had two really horrible nights of sleep, but thankfully he’s improved enough to sleep pretty good again.


  • Kicking so much

  • Doing little crunches sometimes

  • Finding both hands to suck (one at a time usually)

Favorite things

  • He smiles so big now! I love when he does it when I’m cradling him and looking down at him 😍

  • He loves watching ceiling fans.

  • He also loves bathtime! He’s so smiley and kick-y in there :)

Random tidbits

  • He still has cradle cap, and his hair is still falling out. But the hair he has left makes for a cute mohawk! :)

  • He likes to hold onto the neckline of my shirt while he’s nursing. I have to take care to make sure he’s not making me flash everyone! 🤣

  • He holds his right fist up in front of him when he’s lying on his back, and it totally reminds me of the Black Lives Matter fist.


Sleep has been really good the last few days!!

  • He basically has 3-4 naps every day, with one of them being really good (2-3 hours) and the others all about 40-60 minutes. If he wakes at 7/7:30am, he’ll fit 4 naps. If he wakes at 8/8:30am, it’s more likely to be a 3-nap day. He goes to bed for the night around 7:30/8pm.

  • If it’s a 3-nap day, waketimes are a little longer; on a 4-nap day they’re a little shorter. Waketimes have generally been 1.5-2 hours. [[Usually when I say “waketimes,” it means from the time Baby opens his eyes until Baby is laid in the crib; since I’m holding Pete for all sleep, “waketimes” refer to the time when Baby opens his eyes from one nap until he closes them for another nap. If you’re able to lay your newborn down awake, you’d definitely want to start out with shorter waketimes!]]

  • He is still helped to sleep for all sleep, but I don’t nurse him to sleep anymore. I simply swaddle him up and then bounce/rock him until he falls asleep. Or he falls asleep in the carrier or car seat. Sometimes I’ll nurse him in the middle of a nap, to prolong the nap. His long nap has consistently been falling in the afternoon, overlapping with quiet time! This has been excellent. I’ve been laying him down in the pack and play 10-20 minutes after he falls asleep, so it’s been nice to get some nap time unattached to him!

  • He still wakes to eat in the middle of the night, and I never know what the night will look like. Sometimes it’s one feed, other times it’s three. When he was sick it was even more than that!!

  • My mindset is helping A TON. With my previous babies, I was SO WORRIED about short naps and I endlessly tried to prolong them. With Pete, I don’t worry hardly at all about a short nap — I expect most of his naps to be short and just hope for one long one. And he’s usually happy during waketimes, so it makes it easy to not worry about whether or not he’s getting enough sleep. Plus, he does usually end up with about 4.5 hours of day sleep, which is what I expect at this age.

  • I’ve all but thrown out the “feed every 3 hours” idea. I still pay attention to when he eats, but I’m not concerned that he still often eats closer together than every 3 hours. If he takes a short nap and it’s fussy when he wakes, I’ll wait a bit to feed him. If he takes a long nap, he usually had a quick nursing session in the middle of it. I think once I sleep train it’ll work to feed him only upon wakeups like I usually recommend, but we’ll see! I’m open to other options.

  • [[Keep in mind, these are our norms AT three months — not for the duration of the whole month. Check out Pete’s Sleep Schedule story highlight on IG for more specific weekly details!]]