Month 9

March 29, 2023

How Far Along: 37 weeks, 3 days 

Size: I don’t care what the app says, this baby is a giant 🤣 I’m putting in my final guess as 11 lbs 3 oz 🤪

Gender: Boy :)

Name: So excited to announce the name we’ve had picked out for like . . . 7 months (first name has been picked out for 10 years 🤣)! I tell people who I know personally what the name is, so when we recently told our bishop (church leader) the name, he kept going on about what a “solid” name it was haha. I mean, I love the name, but it’s fun to hear when other people think it’s great, too :)

Movement: Despite his giant size, I swear this kid is still trying to roll over and do crazy things in there, and most often in the middle of the night! I sometimes wake up in pain from all the pressure he’s putting on me! It’s like three HUGE pressure points at once! The doc has said a few times that I have a lot of amniotic fluid, so maybe that’s why he’s still able to move so freely?

Fun Fact: I’m having a baby tomorrow!!

Sleep: Still awful 🙃 Literally waking up 4-6x/night. It used to be mostly from hip pain, but while that’s still an issue, I’m waking more frequently from stomach pain (like I mentioned above) and bathroom breaks these days.

Weight Gain: Finishing out this pregnancy 45.4 pounds heavier than when I started, and let me tell you, I FEEL it 😅 I gained a bit more than with my other two (41.2 & 43.4), but pretty comparable.

Symptoms: Being a whale 🐳🤣 Just sooo heavy. All my joints hurt anytime I stand up after sitting or lying down for a while. Braxton Hicks allll the time. I’ve never wondered if I’ve been in actual labor with my other two kids, but the Braxton Hicks are so frequent and so intense that I’ve wondered this time around! (But so far, it’s not 😊). I had some vomiting episodes in the last few weeks, but I realized they were linked to my iron supplement, so I just stopped taking it 😬 Fewer breathing issues and more bathroom breaks, so I guess he’s dropped some! My belly also must have grown, because I keep accidentally bumping into things, like I can’t remember how much room to leave for my belly! 🤣

Diabetes: No time for one more appointment, so no new a1C. But thankfully, I finally got to stop constantly increasing my rates. Even had to stop using such a high correction rate for high BG.

Cravings/Aversions: I want treats constantly. WHY is sugar so tasty??

Diet/Exercise: Yeah, no.

Missing Most: Sleep. Have I been saying that for 4 months now? Probably. Also, if we’re being honest, sex without this big belly 🤣

Nursery: Yeah, nothing has changed. This kid is such a third kid 🤣

Daddy: Is feeling nervous about the impending changes! But I’m so excited for him to meet our baby for the first time — he always connects 1000x more when the baby is on the outside.

Ada & Holly: They’re excited! We’re trying to spend extra quality time with them in these last few days. Sometimes it feels like they know what’s coming, because they’re a little extra clingy/emotional these days.

Highlights & Memories: 

  • I had to have way fewer NSTs for this pregnancy, which was super nice — only 3 total! This is due to delivering slightly earlier, only having one per week instead of two, and probably starting them a week or two later than usual. My doc started out our time together basically by telling me that yes, diabetes is considered a high-risk pregnancy, but he doesn’t think it really makes things much riskier, and I have to agree. I’m not a worrier, and neither is he, so that has worked for me. The NSTs I did have, didn’t work very well because this kid moves CONSTANTLY. The nurse would stay on me for like 20 minutes trying to find a steady heartbeat but couldn’t because he’d keep moving.

  • I’ve felt a little more nervous/stressed/anxious about this baby than I remember feeling in last pregnancies. It comes and goes.

Can’t Wait For: Meeting my son!! I’m also bound and determined to see him born this time, so I’m excited for that!