Month 8

March 12, 2023

How Far Along: 35 weeks

Size: It doesn’t matter what the app says — my doc did an ultrasound this week and said Baby was off the charts already, as I expected 🤣

Gender: It’s a boy!

Name: Eeeek so excited it’s almost time to tell! Our kids have never had names that can be shortened to nicknames, but this time he does. I’m not even sure what we’re going to call him because I like his name AND the two nicknames that go with it! Plus I just thought of a third nickname the other day that is related to his name but not a derivative of it, so basically this kid will have a lot of names to go by 🤣

Movement: I’m kind of surprised he’s still moving so much, what with him being so big! But I feel him moving quite regularly, and I swear he’s even doing things like rolling over or completely changing positions every day or two! And it always seems to be at 4am 🙃🤣

Fun Fact: Twice lately, people have told me something about their “big” babies. Both babies were in the heavy 8-pound range. It’s funny to be, because I view anything 6-8 pounds as a completely “normal” weight, so I was surprised they claimed 8 pounds as big! My perspective is obviously skewed though since my other babies were 10-11 pounds 🤣 We’ll see if this one falls in the middle or passes Ada!

Sleep: I had a little cold this last week, which made sleep especially miserable. I was literally waking up almost every hour, all night long, because my cold would wake me up and then my hip pain would make me miserable. Luckily the cold is gone now, and I’m sleeping MUCH better! Back to waking only 2-3x/night which (ridiculously) feels pretty manageable.

Weight Gain: Welp. I passed the big number I’ve never passed on the scale before 😅😅 Oh, well 🤷🏼‍♀️ Total gain so far is 41.6 pounds. I’m on track to gain only a tiny bit more than I did with either of my other pregnancies (41.2 & 43.4)

Symptoms: This week I was extra exhausted due to being sick and not sleeping well. My hip pain has continued at night. I’m also starting to feel more pain in my . . . pelvic floor maybe? My feet have been swelling a bit. I’ve felt nauseous now and then due to some baby movement; I even threw up one day, which was pretty random (and it was two seconds after I ate my entire lunch, so that was pleasant 🙃). Sometimes I find it very difficult to breathe when I lay down for a nap. Also, I’m still not 100% sure what Braxton Hicks contractions are, but I think I’ve been having them. When I was pregnant with Ada, I thought it was just baby movement — a lot of focused pressure. But I *think* it’s actually Braxton Hicks.

Diabetes: Finally got a great a1C!! I swear I’ve been working hard this whole pregnancy but never had a sub-7 a1C — UNTIL NOW! My last one was 6.7. And it’s crazy how high all my insulin rates are.

Cravings/Aversions: Still craving sugar too much. Still not pregnancy-related 🙃

Diet/Exercise: Nope. Doing horrible. I was even doing really well meal-planning for a while there, and I haven’t been doing well at all the last few weeks. Sometimes I go for a short walk (10-15 min) outside, but my body just hurts from carrying around all this extra weight.

Missing Most: Ease of movement, sleeping, and comfortably holding my girls on my lap.

Nursery: No changes for the boy, but big changes for Holly 🤣 We took out the crib and just put her mattress on the floor, and we took out all the books and stuffed animals and extra blankets, because she kept puling a thousand things into her bed each night! I thought I’d get more done on the nursery before baby boy gets here, like even just buy/make the few decorative things I’ve been thinking about, but I’m not thinking that’s going to happen anymore. I’m just too exhausted all the time, and those seem like “extras” that I can get to eventually 🤷🏼‍♀️

Daddy: I think we’re both getting a little nervous about being down to the wire! We love our kids so much, but kids are also TOUGH and now we’re adding another one! Gonna be wild. Not to mention, things have been a little crazy with work lately — his schedule has changed, one of his coworkers was promoted (so they’re shorthanded for his work position), and one of his coworkers is going out of town right before we have our baby but SORRY Russ will be taking paternity leave either way! So that stuff is all a little stressful, but we’ll figure it out :) I’m excited for the baby to be BORN — that’s always when Russ starts connecting more with the baby.

Ada & Holly: They’re both getting excited! We’ve been watching some home videos lately, and it’s just crazy to think how we’ll be living those same situations over again as we welcome a new baby and watch him grow! Holly especially loves watching her birth video (right after she was born — not the process) and talking about how she’ll be the one hugging and kissing the new baby this time around :)

Highlights & Memories: 

  • Had my first NST test of this pregnancy, and THANK GOODNESS my doc only wants me to do one per week, because it was not fun 🤣 I remember not loving them in past pregnancies, but at least I got to do them in a hospital bed. This time around, I’m doing them in my doc’s office, on the tiny exam tables, and basically, it’s just super uncomfortable because I can’t prop pillows all over the place. I was lightheaded and miserable for those 15-20 minutes. Luckily I only have to have two more before baby is born!

  • All the unsolicited body comments have started rolling in. Mostly just people saying things like “Due any day now, huh?!” but it’s super annoying when technically I still have 5 weeks. I’m also getting sick of people asking how I feel just because like, how do you THINK I feel?! I feel sleepy and sore and exhausted all day long!

  • Doc set a date for my scheduled C-section! But it could change, because it did change between my last two appointments. First he said April 2, then he said March 31, so who knows if he’ll change his mind again. I’m rooting for March 31!! That is 13 days early (my other two were delivered 10 days early).

Can’t Wait For: Holding my baby! And not being pregnant anymore 🤣