Month 7

February 13, 2023

How Far Along: 31 weeks, 1 day

Size: A foam finger — how fitting for the SuperBowl 🙃

Gender: It’s a boy 💙

Name: We’ll announce when he’s born :)

Movement: I was feeling like he was rolling over or something yesterday — so much movement and pressure in so many different places! He’s a mover, that’s for sure!

Sleep: is a joke. Hip pain is seriously the worst!

Weight Gain: 35.4 pounds. It’s so much extra weight to carry around 😩

Symptoms: Oh man, I feel like a 90-year-old woman. Anytime I sit or lay down for very long, I have so much trouble walking once I get up again. All my joints hurt! Also having a harder time breathing these days. Belly feels so heavy. Stretch marks for sure. I’ve only woken up with 2 Charley horses the last month, so I’m still feeling lucky in that department not to have too many of them! My feet are seeming a bit swollen sometimes. Still quite tired — I take a 20-60 minute nap many afternoons each week.

Diabetes: Got my lowest a1C of this pregnancy so far, which was 7.2. Still not as good as any other pregnancies, but glad it was a tiny bit lower! But holy cow, my insulin needs have SHOT UP. Carb ratios are 1:3.5 and sensitivity is 1:15 and basal rates are around 1.6.

Cravings/Aversions: Well, having nothing to do with pregnancy, I’m constantly craving sugar again. Did really well for the first few weeks of the year to mostly avoid it, and now I’m not doing so well with that.

Diet/Exercise: Are a joke. Again, I was doing well with this for a few weeks, but am having a hard time deciding to get back to it. I’m just so tired all the time!

Missing Most: Pain-free movement. Sleep. Energy. Holding my girls comfortably and easily in my lap 😢 Spooning with Russ — apparently we can’t spoon either direction because even with him as the big spoon, my position is tilted forward a lot more to accommodate my belly.

Nursery:  I did buy a couple things for the nursery, but need to make a final decision because the deadline to return is looming!! 🤣

Daddy: Picked up my belly for a second one day, and then let go and it was like a ton of bricks dropping 🤣 We both just say all the time how we can’t believe how we’re going to have another CHILD, let alone a BOY. It’s going to be a whole new world for us!!

Ada & Holly: 

  • Holly is always asking to hug and kiss baby boy! However, she’s never interested in feeling him kick 🤣 She alternates between saying whose tummy baby boy is inside — hers, dad’s, mine 🤣 She talks about how she’s going to love him and snuggle him. I showed her the video we had made of her own hospital experience, and talked about how she’ll be Ada’s age and she’ll be the one snuggling and kissing baby brother. She seems excited 😍

  • Ada has said a few times this month that she wishes we weren’t having any more kids (including this one) 😅 I don’t think she really means it — just think she’s had a few rough days lately and she blames having siblings. Other times, she’s very sweet about baby boy, and unlike her younger sister, she is interested in feeling his kicks and movements :)

Highlights & Memories: 

  • We took maternity pics! I usually take them in the last month of pregnancy, but I really wanted to take them early this time because my belly is getting so big so fast. Despite very cold weather, we did them outside 🤣 but we got lots of cute ones!

  • For a minute there, my doctor was concerned that I might have placenta previa (when the placenta covers the cervix). However, he did an extra ultrasound and verified that everything looks fine.

  • I started taking an iron supplement because my iron was low (my doc checked on it because I have felt sooooo tired/breathless/energy-less lately). Might need to up my dosage though, because I still feel all those things 😅

Can’t Wait For: Holding my baby! And sleeping better 🤣